The exit polls and the electoral process
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Electoral rights
exit poll
electoral rights.

How to Cite

Trajano, M. I. R., Oliveira, P. L. S. de, & Targino, H. (2018). The exit polls and the electoral process. Ballot, 4(1-2), 188–200.


The present article's main intention is to conduct a study about the electoral crime described on Article 39, 5th paragraph of Law 9504/1997, as well as to enlight it's role on the guarantee of and effective exercise of citizenship. Such analysis has been prepared throughout the qualification of a bibliographic overwiew, highligbting the use of Primers made avaliable by the Public. Power, as well as concepts explained by scholars who are respected by specialized opinion. Concluding the exam wants to exhibit that the right to vote and being voted in inseparable from the right to participate directly or indirectly in the government, organization and functioning of the State.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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