Arab Spring: internet as a democracy tool
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Arab Spring
Dictatorial Government

How to Cite

Suarez, A. B. O., Miguel, N. S. S., & Miguel, N. S. S. (2018). Arab Spring: internet as a democracy tool. Ballot, 4(1-2), 18–31.


This article seeks to explain how the Arab Spring movement took place in three countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Based on this wave of cyber protests, the study aims to show what were the positive and negative effects of E-Democracy within completely dictatorial societies. With this, it was through data that made it possible to find out what the outcomes were for the search for freedom in these countries. So the big questions arose: can the internet be an effective medium for democratic protests? Or, to what extent can the internet generate advances and setbacks in societies that seek democracy, but find themselves under dictatorial regimes? It should be said that this study has a comparative character of the effect of E-Democracy in characteristically different countries. Therefore, the use of the internet and its social networks will be studied here, both in order to seek democracy and in order to seek reproof.
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