The internet protagonism on political participation and the e-democracy issue
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How to Cite

Fernandes, T., & Macedo, Y. S. (2017). The internet protagonism on political participation and the e-democracy issue. Ballot, 3(1-2), 102–116.


Internet appeared to us in 1969, in the USA, and its name was Arpanet. Its function was connecting research labs to improve researchers' lives. Connectivity. Nowadays, its function is to assure citizens of their rights, mainly in the political-electoral environment. Reassuring measures are in course not only in Camara dos Deputados e so Federal Senate, in Brazil, but also in countries such as Sweden, with the Demoex project, and Italy, with the Five-Star Movement. With a dynamic internet connection, there are now ways to link a person to another, giving them opportunities to expres theirs thoughts. This is really clear when one considers social media interaction. Using social media, people can show whatever they want, which creates problems among users and diminishes what was created to help people. The democracy concept itself is affected by this process since this inclusion does not necessarily mean people as a whole will have their rights assured and will be included in the context.
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