CALL FOR PAPERS - Vol. 13, No. 2 (2024)


Ekstasis: Journal of Hermeneutics and Phenomenology announces the call for papers to select unpublished articles, reviews, and translations for the next issue.


“Phenomenology and social markers of difference: contemporary dialogues”

Deadline for submissions December 10th, 2024

Guest editors: Jailton Bezerra Melo (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC-SP) and Laiz Maria Silva Chohfi (Institute of Psychology - University of São Paulo - IPUSP).


One of the central points of phenomenology(ies) is the fact that the human is-in-the-world-with-others, forming what we call coexistence.  In this sense, the particularities of the world are rearranged based on each situation, each encounter, founding comprehensive horizons that put tension on the phenomenological notion of existence.

Dialoguing with aspects of psychology, the social sciences and other human sciences, phenomenology, as a method that is not only descriptive but also comprehensive, reveals that existence, although not given a priori, is consolidated from fields of force that dialogue with what are called social markers of difference. Gender, body, sexuality, race/ethnicity, social class, religiosity/spirituality, disability, regionality and schooling are some examples of these markers. In this dossier, we are looking for unpublished articles of a bibliographical or field nature (with humans or documentary research) that articulate the diversity of phenomenologies in their understanding of social markers of difference. We are looking for articles that promote discussion on the following points:

1) Phenomenology and social markers of difference;

2) Phenomenology and intersectionality studies;

3) Phenomenology and readings on minority groups;

4) Phenomenology, power, violence and social movements;

5) Phenomenology and popular knowledge/originating people/peoples of the earth.

Articles and reviews may be in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian or German.