care in early childhood education: daily scenes of children in a kindergarten in fortaleza


  • meirilene dos santos araújo barbosa
  • ana maria monte coelho frota



Cuidado, Educação Infantil, Práticas pedagógicas


This work has its origin in a master's research about Brazilian Education. The approach that we present in this text reveals the perspectives of caring perceived in a five-year-olds classroom in the daily life in a municipal center for Early Childhood Education in Fortaleza. The theoretical discussions on the theme involved a dialogue between Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education based on the contributions of Kramer (2011), Pagni (2010), Foucault (2010), Rancière (2015), Kohan (2007) and Boff (2005). It was a qualitative research of phenomenological inspiration, which method of data creation was participant observation. The analysis revealed that: in the interactions occurred in pedagogical practices, teachers and children take care of each other; the meaning of caring for children can be perceived in the minutia of their daily actions, as well as in affective involvement, in playing together, in speaking and listening to others, in sharing life on a daily basis; as for the meaning of caring for the adults, it is influenced by the way they were cared for, by their subjectivation and their choices in their way of being; caring humanizes teaching practices, inspiring emancipation; the policy on results that has aimed at "improving educational indices" may represent a danger to Early Childhood Education by minimizing the sharing of specific childhood experiences to training in order to achieve expected results. The study emphasized the need to reflect on the meaning of education and therefore proposes that caring be valued as an ethical decision and as an option for reflection on the way of living and interacting.



How to Cite

barbosa, meirilene dos santos araújo, & frota, ana maria monte coelho. (2018). care in early childhood education: daily scenes of children in a kindergarten in fortaleza. Childhood & Philosophy, 14(31), 557–574.

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